Sunday 10 August 2014

Happy Woman's Day

Saturday the 9 August was Woman's Day here in South Africa. As a society we still suffer hugely from discrimination, superstition and ignorance pertaining to woman. Celebrating a day like this puts the spotlight firmly on these issues.
On a lighter note it's also a time to........

"think about all the woman who have made an impact on our lives
and about how we, as woman, affect the people around us"

- Debby Payne

So get out there and give the important women in your life a hug.

Today I have a card for you which makes use of a technique called masking. I watched this  tutorial and then tried it out for myself. It's very easy and quiet effective I think.

I actually made this second card before the one above but felt that the black thread was too dense and heavy for this delicate pattern, especially on the wings. Hence my choice of antique copper for the dragonfly above. I have since stitched the wings in a more translucent thread and am much happier with it. I'll share that card with you some time in the future.

To attempt to lift the heaviness of the dark thread I added gold glitter to the body. I'm not sure how successful I was with that but I guess we learn by our mistakes.

Pattern: Form-A-Lines  Riverside delight dragonfly
Ink: Artic in apple green, lime and mint
Masking tape 1.5cm in width
Gold sequins
Stickles in gold
Page from an old dictionary
Gold felt tipped pen for edging.
Black paper for edging
Cardstock: White and yellow in 180gsm

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