Thursday 14 August 2014

An experiment

Last Saturday I spent a very pleasant morning wandering around a craft market with my Mom and Sister. The market was held in the garden of an old house which has been converted into shops. They have removed the doors from each room and now you wander through the house perusing gorgeous decor merchandise and crafting goodies. There is also a courtyard which they have converted into a lovely outside eating area.
I didn't really buy much but did get to taste some very unusual beers. I'm not a beer drinker generally, wine and a good G & T are more my thing, but this was a local brewery run by ladies so I had to see if it was any good. And they where.
My sister bought a selection of 6 different brews to give to a friend for his birthday, a very different sort of gift but I'm sure it will be appreciated.
It was a lovely morning even if we did have to wait an age for our lunch to arrive, personally I think they didn't have the rye bread ordered by my sibling and had to rush off and buy some. The waitress acted very sheepishly when that was ordered!!!

Today's card was also for a birthday, this time an ex colleague.
I have seen so many lovely cards on Lime Doodle Designs  using embossing paste and I was keen to give it a try.
When I first started looking for it in the local shops no-one had heard of it. It took about 6 months before it reached our fair shores and here it's called Texture Paint.
I added a drop of red ink to the paste to make the light pink colour.

The stitching on this card somehow jarres for me. I think next time I'll stitch 1 - 4 and not 1 - 6 as the pattern suggested. I would prefer it to look a bit more on the delicate side than it does.
But as I said it was an experiment and overall I think it turned out pretty okay.
I used my Complete Crafter's Companion to emboss the lines and added some metal dots to complete.

Pattern from 101 Ideas for Embroidery on Paper by Erica Fortgens
Thread: Single strand of DMC in dusty pink and bright pink ( sorry thread is too old so has no numbers)
Cheap metal dots, no brand on packaging
Complete Crafter's Companion
Creative Talents Texture Paint
Envelope: Creative Park
Stencil: Free with a craft Mag

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