Friday 6 September 2019


This week Simply less is moore is
I made a small card using silver metallic thread
I will also be entering this at Simon says Work it Wednesday where it's
and at Cupcake inspirations where it's
Card stock: 160gsm in white
paper: Wrapper from a discontinued range of soaps
Liquid Pearls in platinum
Thread: E168

13 sept email lnk/25 sept email link/ 6 sept


  1. A really pretty card Glenda and I can see that the sewing must have taken you ages - you are very patient and have made it so neat too. I love the gold 'bubbles' you added. Maybe a little more unpatterned, white space would have made this truely CAS as per our challenge guidelines, however I really adore your card and I'm sure whomever receives it will be delighted too. Thank you for letting us see this at Less is More xx

  2. The platinum liquid pearl bubbles look great with the metallic thread, and I love that you've upcycled some packaging too. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Less is More, Anita x
