Saturday 3 August 2019

A gift from the sea

and here is my card

I will also be entering this at Duble trouble challenge where it's
Addicted to CAS where it's

as well as at These inspired challenges where it's

Card stock: 160gsm in white
Flat backed gems in clear
blue bead for eye
Rolfes metallic pen in blue
Pattern: Form-a-lines sea_life_fish
10 aug/ 4 aug email link/ email link


  1. This is wonderful. I always love to see your art work. Great take on our code word at Addicted To CAS. Thank you for joining us.

  2. I really love the fan of the tail and flippers(?) - this is gorgeous. Thanks for joining The Library.

  3. Had trouble with the link to your page, it would go into a screen that said "the page does not exist"; but I just went into your regular blog and just paged down until I got to your card. I love to see your cards, they are so card. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble.

  4. Wow.. fabulous card! Such a cool take on our code word! Thanks for joining with us at ATCAS bubble challenge.
