Thursday 25 July 2019

Reindeer Choc jacket

"use a die or punch'

I used a die to make the nose on these reindeer chocolate jackets

I halved an A4 piece or card stock, scored the sides twice so that it fitted snuggly around the choc bar and then used double sided tape to adhere it tightly.
The nose was cut with a die and the antlers are cut freehand. Two wobbly eyes finished the jacket.
I will also be entering this at Simon says stamp blog Monday challenge where it's
'Not a card'
as well as at The holly and ivy Christmas challenge where it's
'Anything Christmas goes'

Kraft Card stock
Scrap of brown card stock
paper: 80gsm in red
Die: Sizzixx circle die
Oval wobbly eye
Double sided tape
26 /29/26july

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    Stunning card

    thanks for joining us at CHCC

    Hugs Lisbeth & Claudia
