Friday 3 August 2018

It's so much more friendly with two

Uniko studio have a lovely quote as a cue
I made another tag by upcycling an old calendar
Sorry, it's not a great photo!
I will also be entering this at Water cooler challenges were it's
as well as at Split coast stampers F4A441 where it's
'Let's be friends'
Card stock: 160gsm in white
                    200gsm in green
Die: wPlus 9 Timeless tags
Liquid pearls in gold and platinum
24/6 aug


  1. I love a good tag. Great choice of colours and I love the added pops of dimension with the liquid pearls. Thanks for playing with us this week at the Watercooler Wednesday Challenge.

  2. Oh how pretty is your tag, love those kissing birds. Thanks for playing at Uniko.

  3. What a clever idea highlighting the birds and branch. A lovely tag x

  4. What a sweet tag, Glenda. I love your sublte color combination and the 3D effects of the liquid pearls. Thank you for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday this week! Crystal

  5. You have a lot going on with this tag, and - it all works! Lovely colours. Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday.

  6. Great tag! Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday Challenge!

  7. Great recycling of your calendar, thanks for joining in at Uniko. :)

  8. Wonderful up-cycling and pretty results. Thanks so much for sharing and joining in on the Uniko Challenge. Hugs Bev x

  9. Such a pretty tag. Thank you for playing along with the Uniko challenge xx

  10. Great idea to upcycle a calendar as design-paper! The liquid pearls give great highlights to the sweet little bird scene!
    Thanks for sharing your tag with us in the Uniko Challenge #48!
    Greetings from Wiebke (Uniko-DT)
