Sunday 20 August 2017

For old times sake

I was tidying out a cupboard the other day and I came across a small hard briefcase which I had totally forgotten about. It was in essence my first 'craft room'. It contained my entire craft supplies for when I first started making cards. Hard to believe when I now have an entire room dedicated, almost solely, to my sewing and craft stuff!!! Anyway inside where some old cards from that time. Very amateurish but I guess we all had to start somewhere and I had a lot of fun.
 One of them fits the challenge over at Butterfly spot challenge this month which is
'Butterflies, Y is for you choose and/or Wedgewood blue'

So just for old times sake here it is

I splattered two of the butterflies using a stencil and an air brush and then double stamped the other two. The 3D butterflies where embossed too before they where coloured in with a felt tipped pen.

Even though I made this card a long time ago, when I was browsing a gallery over at Split coast stampers FS550 this card of Diane's reminded me immediately of my card. So I will be using it to honour her.
I have no idea after all this time! 
5 sept

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your long forgotten cache . The butterflies are perfect for my challenge. Glad you came into the garden with them. Hugs Mrs A.
