Thursday 3 November 2016

Multi coloured stars and a cat

Simply less is moore are having a bit of a celebration themselves this week so they have chosen an appropriate theme for the challenge. It is
'Celebrations and Festivals'

I'm in the middle of making my Christmas cards and tags so I have something along that line to share with you

And now for something totally different.
I was recently inspired by an organization called Cotopaxi, a company founded on the principals of making a difference, moving people to do good, and inspiring new adventures.
They are wanting to promote adoption of cats and kittens from shelters and rescue centres and asked me, as a fellow cat lover, if I would be prepared to post their appeal on my blog. Of course I agreed.
  Everyday is "Cat Day' in my home.
The idea is that I share a little about my cat with you all. So I'll start with a photo.
This is Calico, our 8 year old feline family member.

Prior to Calico's arrival  I had always been chosen by my cats, I have never had any say in who moved into our home. With Calico it was a conscious decision and as I had always wanted a ginger I went looking. All my previous feline family members have been male and I was sick and tired of the fights, wandering and marking of territories which goes with a male and so decided that our newest addition would be a ginger female. 
I called all the rescue centres and shelters in our area and only one had gingers, a full ginger and a ginger and white, unfortunately both male. I decided to go and have a look at them anyway. My husband loaded the cat basket into the boot of the car as he knew that the chance of us coming home empty handed was very slim! He was right, I chose the full ginger who proceeded to hiss and growl at us all the way home and bolted under the spare bed where he stayed for the first 3 days. But who could blame him. We where his third home in the three months of his life so far. He had been rescued from a nearby shopping centre as a very sick kitten and been nursed back to health at the shelter. After much discussion we decided to call him Winston. In my mind's eye he was going to grow up into a large, fluffy cat and Winston seemed perfect.
A week after he had arrived, and made friends with my husband, not me, I took him to the vet for his annual injections, only to be told that our Winston was actually a Winnie! Evidently it is extremely rare for an all ginger cat to be female, hence the shelter making an incorrect assumption. Neither my husband or myself where fond of the name Winnie so it became my job to chose another one. I have always thought the name Calico would be great for a cat and even though this little one very definitely did not have the markings of  a traditional calico cat I decided to use it anyway. 
She has not grown into my big, fluffy cat as first imagined but remained small and gentle and somehow her name suits her perfectly.
So there you have it, the story of my precious cat and how she became a member of our family.
P.S. We are good friends now. 
Card stock: 160gsm in white
Thread; Turquoise: DMC 5766
              Purple: DMC 3837
              Lime green: DMC 704
             Sentiment: Stitching cards free-words
Double sided foam dots 
4 nov


  1. This blog post is filled with gorgeousness... a super card and your beautiful fur baby Calico! <3 What an inspiring story of how you came into each other's lives. She has a lovely expression :) Your card is fantastic. The stitching adds visual interest and texture and the bright colours really pop and add to the celebratory feel. Thanks so much for joining in with our 300th challenge at Less is More :)

  2. Your stitched star card looks fabulous - it is so quirky and must have taken a lot of time! It was great to read about Calico too. Thank you for playing along with us at Less is More this week :)

  3. FAB make and nice to see a different kind of craft deployed too - you've rocked this challenge


  4. Such a beautiful story about your stunning Calico Glenda. You told it so well that a sense of peace and calm came over me when reading it. She looks like such a gentle and loving soul from her photo. But onto your card... what a beauty that is. The happy vibrant colours combine so well and it is wonderful to see your gorgeous stitching. That is a real piece of art. Thank you so much for sharing this with us in our Less is More 300th celebrations xx
