Tuesday 21 June 2016

Two tortoises

'Animal Magic'

and here is my card. Made for a good friend who loves shoes (and animals too).

Growing up my Dad had a tortoise called 'Spunky'. Evidently when Spunky was still rather young, and his shell still soft, he used to escape from the garden by climbing through a hole in the fence. One day the dog spotted him doing so and hauled him back with his mouth. This left a very distinct set of teeth marks on his shell which never went away. Spunky also never stopped trying to escape and as he got bigger this became a problem. Eventually he was given to the local zoo. As a child I used to go and visit Spunky at the zoo and when I became a teacher I even took my class there and Spunky was still around. It has only been in the last couple of years that he was no longer in the tortoise enclosure so I can only assume that he has gone to the big cabbage patch in the sky. He must have been at least 70 years old by then.
Card stock: 160gsm in white
                    180gsm in pale green
Paper: Scrap book scrap
          Pink 80gsm
22 June


  1. Gorgeous card Glenda! The tortoises are adorable & I love the stitching.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  2. Enjoyed your story about Spunky, Glenda!!! And your card is so special for your friend, with the sweet tortoises and all the lovely shoes!!! Very creative!!
    Have a great day!!!!
