Wednesday 8 June 2016

Happy Birthday Paper Cat

Happy 2nd Birthday Paper Cat
Wow my blog is 2 years old today and I've had even more fun this year than last.
Thanks to all you lovely folks who take the time to stop by. I really appreciate it especially when you leave a comment.
To celebrate I'm going to do a round up of my favourite cards from each month.
If you click on the month above the picture it will take you to the original post.

The first card I ever made as a Guest Designer. A real thrill.

Not a great photo I'm afraid but I love the movement in the skirts of these dances.

I love the elongated look of the tree in this one.

One of my all time favourite Christmas cards from last year.

I enjoy the colour combination on this card.

Although this card didn't need much in the way of skill to stitch, I like the quirkiness of it.

A great way to use up scraps of coloured thread.

This card won a challenge for me.

Making use of left overs.

This is a favourite pattern at the moment. I have stitched it in three different colours to date and I'm sure that I will do it again in the not so distant future.


A save that turned out better than the original.


I seem to have had quite a thing for birds this last month. She's my favourite!
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your support over the last two years.
Cheers and here's to another great year. 


1 comment:

  1. Two years, Glenda - that is wonderful!!!! - happy blogiversary and congrats - how lovely to share your favorite cards which are all so beautiful!!!! Looking forward to what you have to share over the next year!!!
