Tuesday 5 April 2016

Margins and mint

Butterfly spot challenge have a new challenge and it's Butterflies and M for margins and/or mint
Here is my interpretation managing to do all three of the criteria
Card stock: 160gsm in white
Paper: Free butterfly download Source unknown
           Pale green pearlized paper
Thread: Brands and colour codes unknown
Clear glass beads       
(5 April)


  1. Your butterflies are so beautiful and delicate, Glenda and I love the butterflies on the patterned paper, too!!! Beautifully done!!!
    Have a great afternoon/evening!!!!

  2. I love your stitched butterflies Glenda They are so delicate looking and the colours are perfect together. Love those margins of paper down the side of the card too. Thankyou for fluttering by by challenge where your card will be entered twice into the draw. hugs Mrs A.
