Wednesday 23 December 2015

Holly, Jolly Christmas

So how are the Christmas plans coming along? I think I'm on track but tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I'm planning to do as much as I can ahead of time.

To get us into the Christmas spirit TGIF challenges have this cue
and my card

I'm also entering it over at CASology where the cue is

Card stock: 160gsm in white
Thread: Brand and colour code unknown
             Sentiment: Stitching Cards Free words


  1. How creative! I love that you stitched your card!!

  2. You work wonders with a needle and thread!This is beautiful!
    Thanks for joining us at Casology!

  3. I have never thought to stitch on a card! This looks great! Thank-you for playing along with the TGIF Challenge!

  4. Wow!! I love the stitching!! You did a great job. How long does this take to do? Thank you so much for playing with us this week at CASology.
