Wednesday 4 November 2015

Summer bicycle

Some how or another I have got myself involved in the International Food Fair being held at my church this weekend. I say some how or another as neither my hubby or myself can recall ever saying that we would help out but somehow we are. I spent the weekend making bunting and aprons with Union Jacks on them. It's the last thing that I could afford to be doing as my concert is a week away and reports are due soon too. (If I'm perfectly honest , however, I also bought a stunning piece of fabric last week and would really have rather been sewing that instead.)

Anyway on to my card for today
CASe this sketch.

 I am really enjoying stitching this bicycle at the moment so I predict that you will see it a couple more times before too long.

My inspiration
Source: Tasmin
I will also be entering this over at CASology where the cue is

            Tree: Form A Lines Window with cat
Card Stock: 160gsm in white
Thread: Pink: DMC 3326
             Silver: DMC E168
            All other colours and Brands unknown
Martha Steward butterfly punch
Flat backed gems clear


  1. That bicycle is really so beautiful, Glenda, if I could stitch so creatively, I would also have used it very often!!!! Lovely with the overhanging branch and the cute little butterfly!!!
    Have a great Wednesday afternoon!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glenda - this is a lovely spring card! So glad you joined us at CASology this week!

  4. Glenda - your inspiration card is by Tasnim, not Emily - here's a link

  5. WOW! That is so innovative! How clever! Have a lovely day! Hazel x

  6. This is an amazing creation! Thank you for sharing your creation at CASology! :)
