Monday 23 November 2015


A couple of people have asked me about this technique of Prick and stitch that I do. Yes all of my cards are hand stitched. Most of the patterns I use are not my own but bought. The first step is to prick the tiny holes onto the card stock. I tend to do that during the holidays as that is when I have time to be creative. I make careful notes on the back of each topper in pencil to remind myself of what I am planning on doing for that particular card. Then I save all my toppers with their pattern and instructions in a A4 plastic folder next to the chair that I sit in when I watch TV. If I am not too tired in the evenings, or don't have some school work to do, I will take out a card to stitch. Sometimes I only do a little bit but other times I might actually get a topper competed. I can't tell you exactly how long it takes as it depends if the pattern is an old favourite (it will go quickly then) or a new one (much slower) but on average I'd say about two hours. It is a time consuming hobby but I absolutely love it and have been known to stay up way pass my bed time just so that I can see how a card "turns out". So there you have it. Thank you so much to everyone who takes the time to comment on my creations, I appreciate every single comment

Now on to the real reason that you popped by today.
Simon says stamp blog Wednesday challenge where the challenge is to make something for Christmas.
That wasn't a hard thing to do.
Here it is 
I'm not crazy about this card, something to do with the candles and flames. I added glitter in an effort to "perk it up" a little.
I will also be entering this over at Uniko studio
Thread: Gold DMC E436
             Red and green: Brand and colour code unknown
Card Stock: Red and white 160gsm
Derivan Kindyglitz in crystalina


  1. Gorgeous, beautiful stitched Christmas card
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

  2. Loved reading how you do your toppers, Glenda!!!! (and I think you definitely have better eyes than I do - must be quite a thing to do this delicate stitching in the evening!!!) And I also stay up way pass bedtime, sometimes, to see how a card 'turns out'!!!!
    Your card is so beautiful - love the lantern and the scalloped border at the bottom!!!!!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!!!

  3. Such an effective technique you use and sounds like it's a good way to unwind and relax too. Thanks for joining in the Uniko challenge.

  4. Wow - this is amazing work! The lantern is a super image and the stitching looks super. Thanks so much for playing along with our Christmas challenge at Uniko this month!

  5. WOW! What a beautiful creation and so very artistic. It must have took ages and I am sure whoever receives this card will be honoured to have. Thanks so much for sharing & joining in on the Uniko Challenge. Hugs Bev x
