Sunday 15 November 2015


Well it's Sunday morning and has been an overcast weekend, perfect for snuggling up with a cup of coffee and a good book. I've got the good book and I'm drinking the coffee but unfortunately the snuggling will have to wait a couple of hours as reports are my priority today. Managed to get through six yesterday and the aim is to complete another six today so I guess I should stop playing here and get on with them!
But before I do CASology have a new cue card and it's
 I made these cards a while a go and have never posted them. I'm afraid that it's a rather literal interpretation of the cue
I can't claim the idea for this card as my own but sadly can't remember where I got my inspiration.
I think I prefer the pastel one best.
Pattern: My own
Thread: Brands and colour codes unknown
Card stock: 160gsm in white
Paper: mauve and blue in 80gsm
Flat backed gems and metal dots


  1. Wow, what cool stitching! I like both versions, both are fun, for sure! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!

  2. Both are lovely and so perfect for the cue card, Glenda!!!!!
    Good luck with those reports!!!!

  3. Nothing wrong with a literal interpretation of the cue word! Love those sweet stitched pressies and the metal dots! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!
    And I hate it when it's a perfect cozy book day and there's work to be done. It always feels like such a loss! :)
