Tuesday 8 September 2015


Every now and again Darnell over at djkardkreations holds a challenge called

For those of you who don't know NBUS means Never Before Used Stuff and we crafters always have some of that lying around.
My card today features a pattern which I have never stitched before and this is the first time that I am using this washi tape (bought it in Australia in January!)

Here is my card

I seem to be drawn to tree patterns this year for Christmas, last year it was wreaths!

I will be entering this in    

as well as Split Coast Stampers Free 4 all 263 and Split Coast Stampers Christmas Cards challenge 2015 for March where the themes are both trees.

Pattern: Source unknown
Thread: Light Green: DMC 704
             Gold: DMC E436
             Silver: DMC 415
             All other colour codes and brands unknown
Washi Tape
Card Stock: 160gsm inwhite
Double sided foam squares


  1. Amazing! The stitching is awesome! Thanks so much for joining in over at Darnell's using your NBUS. Good luck. Kylie - Happy Little Stampers xx

  2. What a fabulous card and technique. I've seen a lot of this kind of stitching on cards recently, I'm inspired. Thank you for joint in in on the NBUS challenge. Hugs Bev (Uniko) x

  3. Fabulous job! It's been a while since I tried stitching a card. I know how much time goes into a card like this...
    but you have so inspired me to try again. I really like the pattern that you used!

  4. Glenda, your stitched cards are epic! I personally love Christmas trees on a Christmas card so I love your theme this year! This one is spectacular! I'm delighted to see you joining in my NBUS Challenge #5! Thank you! Enjoy the weekend!! Hugs, Darnell

  5. Oh My, Glenda, your stitched tree is amazing! Love trees for all seasons and your washi tape is just perfect here.

  6. Amazing card and stitch work Glenda! Fabulous card!

  7. Very, very pretty! I like how well the washi tape goes with your design! Saw this on Darnell's NBUS Challenge and just had to comment!

  8. What a wonderful shape for a tree. Christmas trees are never overused especially when they are so nicely crafted.
