Thursday 6 August 2015

Cross Country

It was our annual school cross country today. It's compulsory and the boys earn points for their school sports houses. It's the first time that my little guys take part and they start out so enthusiastically but reality kicks in very quickly. They have to run 1.3km and no matter how often we say "Don't start too quickly it's a long race and you need to pace yourselves" they just can't. Some of them where exhausted by the end but I'm pleased to say all of my 'littlies' finish. Way to go Boys!!!

My card today is for the Sweet Sunday Sketch challenge which is

I raided my Hubby's fishing box and found the nylon string which I tied around the white panel. The edges where distressed as the card just felt as though it lacked something without.

My inspiration
Source: Debbie Hughes of Limedoodle
Pattern: Stitching Cards Lily
Thread: Brand and colour codes unknown
Nylon 'string'
Say it with crystals Pearls
Card Stock: 200gsm in Kraft
                   160gsm in white
Colorbox cat's eye ink in chestnut

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely flower, Glenda, and I love that string bow!!!! The pearls are very pretty!!!
    Have a great Friday!!!
