Sunday 16 August 2015


The challenge at CASology this week is

 and here is my card, some Koi Fish

This was quite a complicated pattern to stitch as the scales took some working out. Can't promise it's perfect but as my Mom always says "No-one else knows what it's supposed to look like so just keep your mouth shut and smile". I often make use of this bit of wise advice.

Pattern:Stitching Cards Japanese Koi
Thread: Gold: DMC E436
             Silver: DMC 415
             Green: Brand and colour code unknown
Card Stock: White 160gsm
Paper: Free download from Activity Village
Rolfes metallic pen in Gold 


  1. Brilliant stitched fish. This must have taken quite a while to make. Your mother is a very wise woman, and I agree with her advice. I need to remember to say that to my daughters when they are caught up in perfectionism. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.

  2. Your koi fish are beautiful, Glenda!!! I agree 100% with your mom's advice!!!
    Have a great week!!!
