Sunday 12 July 2015

Good Bye Tango

I made this card for my sister when she lost her beloved feline companion of many, many years. Her name was Tango and she was a ginger and white Mancoon so hence the colours chosen for the card.
True to Mancoon characteristic traits she was huge.

 This is my second post for today only because we are going away tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to enter this in the challenge over at Freshly made sketches and there is a deadline looming. The sketch is 

 and true to my characteristics I have turned it on it's side! 

Here is a second card I made using the same pattern.
I did hand embossing on this one.

Pattern:Form-A-Lines Cats on a wall (I used the largest cat)
Thread: Brand and colour codes unknown
Card Stock: 160gsm white, up scaled oatmeal from an old calendar
Paper: Scraps of green embossed (bought), pink and floral
Rolfes metallic pen in pink
Embossing stencil: make unknown
Old knitting needle for embossing.
Flat backed gems in champagne
Self adhesive satin ribbon 


  1. So sorry about your sister's hard to lose a pet! Your stitched cats are wonderful! So glad you shared one at FMS!

  2. So sorry to hear about your sister's card. It's always so hard to lose a furry friend. Your cards are lovely! Those stitched cats are amazing! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!
