Wednesday 24 June 2015

Art Nouveau Roses

It's two days until schools close for the July holidays. Three weeks of me time. Can't wait. I need the break desperately and so do the children. Roll on Friday!

I'm playing in the latest sketch challenge at

This is the challenge

I made two of the same layout. On the rear card I adhered the panels flat against each 
other but on the front one added some dimension by using foam strips. I wanted to see which I preferred and I have to say, I have no idea! Like them both.
I also used different thread. Think I prefer the variegated one, which is the rear one.

The banner is hand cut.
I really like this layout. Will defiantely be using it again, maybe with leaves next time?

In the past I have used these flowers on some small 6.5cm x 7cm cards.

Pattern: Stitching Cards. Art Nouveau Rose 4
Large Card
Thread: Apricot and variegated apricot, scraps of green. Brand and colour codes unknown.
Card stock: White 160gsm
                  Linen effect in aqua 200gsm
Scotch foam double sided tape
Small cards
Thread: Apricot, red, green and burgendy
Rolfes metallic pen in gold
Scrap of home made paper in burgendy
Apricot paper: Free download from Activity Village.


  1. This is really really special!
    Thanks so much for joining us at Case this sketch!
    { hello from a fellow South-African... pleased to meet you! }

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Great to meet you too. I have been a follower of your blog for a while now. You do some lovely work.

  2. Your stitched flowers are so totally amazing, Paper Cat! I haven't ever seen anything like them! Thanks so much for 'planting' them in the CTS gallery this week!
    =] Michele

  3. Oh, these are so pretty! Wonderful take on the sketch!

  4. Wow.... just beautiful! Lovely, soft colors and amazing detail - so perfect for CTS #128!
