Monday 16 February 2015

150 years

This year the church that I attend is 150 years old. We had a special tea yesterday morning to kick off our celebrations. I was involved in the kitchen. It was a really lovely morning with the hall looking spectacular and so much food donated. The problem came when it was time to do the washing up. Tea and cake for 300 people makes a lot of dishes, believe me. We where all exhausted by the time we finished!!!

Besides butterflies the next image that I stitch the most frequently are flowers.

Here is a soft and feminine flower card.
I rounded two corners for a little interest and used double sided foam to give some dimension to the top panel.

I loved the clean and simple elegance of this card by Laurie over at Soapbox creations and used it as my inspiration.

Corner Punch
Foam tape  
Pattern: 101ideas for embroidery on paper by Erica Fortgens
Thread: green and pink (make and numbers unknown)   

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