Thursday 11 December 2014

Present time

I am sharing something a little different with you today and that is the gifts which I have wrapped for Christmas this year. I was busy this last weekend and here is the end result.

 I always have some kind of theme for my gifts. This year it was green and white. The idea was to wrap using white paper and decorate with the green ribbon and button tree. Somehow I miss calculated horribly with the white paper and ended up running short. I really needed to get this job finished and not carry it over into the week, so I went scratching in my paper stash in the hope that some white paper was lurching there, but no luck. I did however find this dotty paper which was perfect.

Sorry this photo seems to be a little out of focus.

The little button trees are an idea that I saw on Pintrest. I made a fair dent in my collection of green buttons but as they needed to be specific sizes I ended up having to buy some too.
The stars on the top are beads that I have left over from my jewellery making days. (Am always pleased when I am able to diminish my craft stash in some way.)

Now all I need to do is put them under a Christmas tree. It won't be one in this household as I am away for the celebrations. Hope the gifts survive being packed in a suitcase and flown half way around the world!!!

Happy wrapping everyone

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