Thursday 20 November 2014


I am really enjoying sewing at the moment. There is a lovely selection of fabric out, something which in my opinion hasn't happened for a while, and so I have a couple of pieces stashed away carefully. This month I have got stuck in and sewed two dresses and I have a third cut out. There are always a lot of end of year functions and so this is the perfect oppunity to wear something new.

I love the movement in this pattern, both of the women and their skirts. It has been very cleverly designed. 
 I used verigated pink for the skirts. These woman looked distinctly like ballerinas to me.

and a small version (6.5cm x 7cm)

Pattern: Pinbroidery Nine ladies dancing
Thread: various, sorry no numbers or barands available.
Paper: Store bought embossed mauve and cercise, gold for framing and pink swirls from Paper Pizazz Soft Tints

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