Thursday 11 September 2014


A couple of months ago I mentioned that I had planted some Iris bulbs, well they are now in bloom.
I'm delighted. They are gorgeous and I always get such a thrill when something that I have planted comes to life.

To honour this happy time I thought I'd show you some of the iris cards that I have made.
I do however need to apologise upfront for the quality of the photographs, these where taken a long time ago!!!

For some reason I do not have any stitching iris patterns, will have to remedy that sometime soon.

These two cards are made with silk ribbon.
I received a lovely card making book from my S-I-L a couple of years ago and included was a section on silk ribbon flowers by Ann Cox. I tried them and enjoyed the process and results so much that I bought her book. Over the course of the next couple of months I will show you some of the other flowers that I have made but these where my first attempts.

Pattern: Silk Ribbon Greeting Crds by Ann Cox
4mm Silk Ribbon in purple, green and gold (25cm of each)
2 x size 18 needles
Nylon ribbon in green with white spots
Gardening and butterfly brass stencils, make unknown.
Scraps of paper off cuts
Silver glitter glue

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