Monday 25 August 2014

Happy Anniversary

For me weekends are about not having to set the alarm. I love being able to wake up when my body clock says I have had enough sleep. It's a real luxury.

If I am not able to indulge myself due to school sport or some other early morning commitment, I like nothing better than a little snooze in the afternoon. I'm off to take one as soon as I have finished this post.

Today's card is for a 4th wedding anniversary.

For this card I cut 3 identical hearts out of striped paper. These where done by hand. I secured two back to back for the stand up heart and stuck the third one onto the card stock over the half doily. I then did a single row of machine stitching down the centre of the double sided heart to secure it exactly on top of the flat one. This allowed it to be bent so that it is able to stand away from the card stock. Tape measure washi tape finished the layout.

I made the envelope and lined it with a page of an old dictionary.

180gsm kraft card stock
Striped paper downlaoded from Google images.
Sylko small white doily
washi tape in tape maesure
C6 Envelope: red paper, complete Crafter's Companion envelope side
                       Liner: Page from an old dictionary

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