Thursday 3 July 2014

Blankets for a good cause

There has been a knitting frenzy happening at work this past week.
We decided to take part in 67 blankets for Mandela Day by making squares which would be stitched together to make blankets for the needy. It was great fun to see who took part. Some of the girls had not touched a pair of needles in years and others where so unsure of their abilities but gave it a go anyway.
We didn't really give ourselves much time, the completed blamket had to be handed over on 1 July and as school closed the week before that, we had to hand in our completed squares by then. All in all we had about a week to knit.

I managed to make seven squares and as a staff we made enough for a full size and a baby's blanket.
We have promised each other that next year we will start earlier.

Here are some of the ladies who made contributions.

(Photo Credit: Linda Horning D.P.H.S.)

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