Thursday 17 July 2014

A donation to charity

Have you ever been invited to celebrate a birthday and the invitation says something along these lines… Please make a donation to a specified charity instead of a gift?
I admire people who can do that. I think it’s a fantastic, selfless thing to do and I wish I was brave enough to do the same but the truth is I like my birthday and I like gifts.
By nature I am a shy person who usually shuns the limelight but some how this doesn’t apply when it is my birthday. I love the fuss that goes with the celebration, not that I generally go the route of a big party but I do like to get together with my friends. 

Today’s card was made for a lady who did exactly that. She asked for no gifts, just donations to the local Children’s Home. So I had to make her an extra special card instead.

I also made a purple version.

For these cards I only used the flowers from the Art Nouveau Rose 4 pattern and repeated them randomly over the surface of the cardstock.


Pattern: Stitching cards Art Nouveau Rose 4
Flat back crystals
Peel off in gold for numerals
Pink washi tape down side of pink card
Scrap of purple card stock down side of purple card
Envelope: Canon Creative Park Pink trees


  1. Hi I've found my way here from Darnell's blog. I have had a look around your great blog and your cards are so pretty! and I love the colours you have chosen for this 60th card:) have a great weekend huggles Sue xx

  2. Hi from another SA blogger. Love your cards, especially the stitching. Inspires me to bring out my stitching patterns again. I saw you on Darnell's blog, and came on over to have a look. Hope your weekend won't be too cold like we are supposed to have. Hugs, Ursula

    1. Hi Ursula. How exciting to meet another SA blogger. I'll have to persue yours when I have a little more time. Look forward to it.
      Thanks for your kind comments. It's always great to get positive feedback from fellow crafters.

  3. Glenda, whether you give a present or make a monetary gift to a charity, one thing is certain: your beautiful accompanying stitched cards ARE a gift all by themselves and they will be treasured by the recipient for always!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Thanks for your very encouraging and kind words Darnell. I have followed your blog for a while now and find it full of inspiration.Keep up the fantastic work.

  5. I'm here from Darnell's blog too. Your cards are fabulous and sure to be treasured. I have done some stitching on cards too. Not many, I find it way too time comsuming!!! So I really appreciate all the time it took you to do these beautiful cards!
